Kindness to Kids: How Much Is Too Much?

Flying chappal ya maa ka pyaar? Moms ask if treating kids with too much kindness can be bad 🤔

We can’t stop with the “aww”s

Every parent has had their dil se moment that melted their hearts, despite the mischievous look on their kids' faces.

As parents, showing empathy and kindness to kids can shape them into thoughtful and caring adults.

And the best part? Teaching these values isn’t that difficult & can start with how we respond to everyday situations around our little ones.

Kindness and support are the two pillars needed to push your child towards success

Empathy is like that Marvel superhero, it just saves the day of your kids.

In Taare Zameen Par, Ram Nikumbh didn’t judge Ishaan. He listened. He just stayed there for Ishaan to lean on him when he needed the support.

That’s what our kids need from us—an open heart, not lectures.

Sometimes, wish we could meet our friends like this, without the kids interrupting though!

Kids who learn empathy are better at making friends and handling emotions.

Kids can turn the house upside down faster than a Bollywood Dance number (we are also moving our hips to Tauba-Tauba these days 😉) 

As parents, it is natural to be disappointed but there’s a reason why kids are kids

Kids are bound to make mistakes—whether it is just spilling milk or creating a big mess during playtime.

What if we responded with calmness instead of anger?

Kids learn better from kindness.

And you can't forget the golden formula for parenting either: Kindness + humor = parenting win!

Kids watch everything we do.

They pick up on how we treat others. When they see us being kind, they learn to do the same. Kids learn from us.

If you help someone in need or stay calm when things go wrong, they will copy you.

Want to be your kid’s best friend?

This is your secret spice to add to roz ka daal chawal in your family.

Start treating them with kindness and empathy and see your relationship grow together.

Till then,



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